206 research outputs found

    Advancing Knowledge on Situation Comprehension in Dynamic Traffic Situations by Studying Eye Movements to Empty Spatial Locations

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    Objective: This study used the looking-at-nothing phenomenon to explore situation awareness (SA) and the effects of working memory (WM) load in driving situations. Background: While driving, people develop a mental representation of the environment. Since errors in retrieving information from this representation can have fatal consequences, it is essential for road safety to investigate this process. During retrieval, people tend to fixate spatial positions of visually encoded information, even if it is no longer available at that location. Previous research has shown that this "looking-at-nothing" behavior can be used to trace retrieval processes. Method: In a video-based laboratory experiment with 2 (WM) x 3 (SA level) within-subjects design, participants (N = 33) viewed a reduced screen and evaluated auditory statements relating to different SA levels on previously seen dynamic traffic scenarios while eye movements were recorded. Results: When retrieving information, subjects more frequently fixated emptied spatial locations associated with the information relevant for the probed SA level. The retrieval of anticipations (SA level 3) in contrast to the other SA level information resulted in more frequent gaze transitions that corresponded to the spatial dynamics of future driving behavior. Conclusion: The results support the idea that people build a visual-spatial mental image of a driving situation. Different gaze patterns when retrieving level-specific information indicate divergent retrieval processes. Application: Potential applications include developing new methodologies to assess the mental representation and SA of drivers objectively

    Agent-based dynamics in disaggregated growth models

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    This paper presents an agent-based model of disaggregated economic systems with endogenous growth features named Lagon GeneriC. This model is thought to represent a proof of concept that dynamically complete and highly disaggregated agent-based models allow to model economies as complex dynamical systems. It is used here for "theory generation", investigating the extension to a framework with capital accumulation of Gintis results on the dynamics of general equilibrium.Agent-based models, economic growth.

    Kerr coefficients of plasma resonances in Josephson junction chains

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    We present an experimental and theoretical analysis of the self- and cross-Kerr effect of extended plasma resonances in Josephson junction chains. We calculate the Kerr coefficients by deriving and diagonalizing the Hamiltonian of a linear circuit model for the chain and then adding the Josephson non-linearity as a perturbation. The calculated Kerr-coefficients are compared with the measurement data of a chain of 200 junctions. The Kerr effect manifests itself as a frequency shift that depends linearly on the number of photons in a resonant mode. By changing the input power on a low signal level, we are able to measure this shift. The photon number is calibrated using the self-Kerr shift calculated from the sample parameters. We then compare the measured cross-Kerr shift with the theoretical prediction, using the calibrated photon number.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Biomasseertrag, Lupinenanteil und Alkaloidgehalte in Bergmähwiesen in Abhängigkeit des Erntezeitpunktes

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    Die invasive Leguminose Lupinus polyphyllus (Vielblättrige Lupine) breitet sich in artenreichen Borstgrasrasen und Bergmähwiesen aus. Dort verdrängt sie gefährdete Rote-Liste Arten und verändert die Artenzusammensetzung. Wir führten ein Experiment durch um den Biomasseertrag und den Lupinenanteil an der Biomasse zu unterschiedlichen Nutzungszeitpunkten zu untersuchen. Zusätzlich wurde der Alkaloidgehalt der Lupinen ermittelt, da dieser einen Einsatz der Biomasse in der Tierernährung verhindern kann. Die Ergebnisse zeigten Bioamsseerträge vo 3,6 bis 3,9 t Trockenmasse pro Hektar und Lupinenanteile von ca. 30% im Mittel. Der Alkaloidgehalt in den Lupinen wies eine Spannweite zwischen 0,7 und 2,5% in der Trockenmasse auf und war signifikant abhängig vom untersuchten Pflanzenorgan. Die Samen und Blätter hatten signifikant höhere Alkaloidgehalte als die Stängel und Blüten

    Sichtbarkeit, Sicherheit, Usability und Weiterverwendung – Benutzer/innenorientierte FIS/CRIS-Entwicklung am Beispiel von "Portfolio/Showroom"

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    Visibility, security, usability and reuse - user-oriented CRIS development using the example of "Portfolio/Showroom" [translation of the title]. The archiving of publications and (research) data from art and science poses major challenges for universities and non-university research institutes. It turns out that artists and scientists hardly use the infrastructures newly created by the universities (repositories, document servers, current research information systems) and rather rely on decentralized, mostly commercial platforms on the Internet. This paper introduces two web applications, "Portfolio" and "Showroom", whose user oriented development aims to provide low-threshold access to CRIS solutions. The functionalities of these two digital tools and the fundamentals of their development are presented as well as the just completed Graphical User Interface testing, its method and results. Finally, the article presents the environment in which the development (including interfaces to existing repository solutions) takes place

    Visibility, Security, Usability and Reuse – User- oriented CRIS development using the example of “Portfolio/Showroom”

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    Die Archivierung von Publikationen und Daten aus Kunst und Wissenschaft stellt Universitäten und außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen vor große Herausforderungen. Es zeigt sich, dass Künstler/innen und Wissenschaftler/innen, die von den Universitäten dafür neu geschaffenen Infrastrukturen (Repositorien, Dokumentenserver, Forschungsinfomationssysteme) kaum verwenden und viel eher auf dezentrale, meist kommerzielle Plattformen im Internet setzen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die beiden Webapplikationen „Portfolio“ und „Showroom“ vor, deren benutzer/innenorientierte Entwicklung einen möglichst niederschwelligen Zugang zu FIS/CRIS-Lösungen anbieten möchte. Die Funktionalitäten der beiden digitalen Werkzeuge und die Grundzüge ihrer Entwicklung werden ebenso vorgestellt wie das soeben abgeschlossene User Interface Design-Testing, dessen Methode und Ergebnisse. Schließlich legt der Beitrag das Umfeld dar, in dem die Entwicklung (inkl. Schnittstellen zu vorhandenen Repositorienlösungen) stattfindet.The archiving of publications and (research) data from art and science poses major challenges for universities and non-university research institutes. It turns out that artists and scientists hardly use the infrastructures newly created by the universities (repositories, document servers, current research information systems) and rather rely on decentralized, mostly commercial platforms on the Internet. This paper introduces the two web applications “Portfolio” and “Showroom”, whose user-oriented development aims to provide low-threshold access to CRIS solutions. The functionalities of the two digital tools and the fundamentals of their development are presented as well as the just completed Graphical User Interface testing, its method and results. Finally, the article presents the environment in which the development (including interfaces to existing repository solutions) takes place

    Agent-based dynamics in disaggregated growth models

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/documents-de-travail/Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2010.77 - ISSN : 1955-611XThis paper presents an agent-based model of disaggregated economic systems with endogenous growth features named Lagon GeneriC. This model is thought to represent a proof of concept that dynamically complete and highly disaggregated agent-based models allow to model economies as complex dynamical systems. It is used here for "theory generation", investigating the extension to a framework with capital accumulation of Gintis results on the dynamics of general equilibrium.On présente le modèle Lagon generiC : modèle multi-agent pourvu de caractéristiques de croissance endogène. Il s'agit d'un prototype hautement désagrégé et dynamiquement complet qui permet la représentation d'économies comme des systèmes dynamiques complexes. Une application aux résultats de Gintis sur la dynamique des prix est également présentée

    Klimawandel und Wetterlagen

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    Die Veröffentlichung dokumentiert die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes, in dem untersucht wurde, welchen Einfluss großräumige Strömungsmuster in der Atmosphäre (Großwetterlagen) auf das Auftreten von Wetterextremen in Sachsen hatten und zukünftig haben können. Dafür wurde ein Verfahren zur Klassifikation durch multiple Regression entwickelt und angewendet. Belastbare Zunahmen von Wetterextremen sind z. B. bei heißen und niederschlagsarmen warmen Tagen sowie etwas weniger sicher bei Schwüle und Starkwind im Winterhalbjahr zu erwarten. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Klimaforscher, -modellentwickler und -modellanwender
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